Haziran 10, 2011

High score in Angry Birds! Now run it on your Prestigio MultiPad PMP3084!

Angry Birds, the most popular game these days, can be compatible with Prestigio PMP3084B, our advanced  eBook Reader  from Prestigio MultiPad Family.

The tech specs of this model will allow you to flawlessly run this game, if you deactivate “Draw Background” option (see the screenshot).  The performance of the device having increased, you can enjoy your favorite game.  

Instead of hardware buttons HOME, BACK, MENU, SEARCH that are needed for some applications, mainly for the full screen gaming apps, you should use the buttons PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN, that you would normally use to scroll the pages in a reading mode.  Holding PAGE UP button will bring up HOME, while holding PAGE DOWN will get you to MENU.

In order to download Angry Birds to your Prestigio MultiPad PMP3084B, please install AppsLib application (see the short-guide provided).  To read more on our cooperation with AppsLib you can here


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