eBook Reader Prestigio PER3152B is the benchmark for eBook readers in 5" format with a high quality TFT display. Unique, sophisticated design on the outside and stunning technology inside. Regardless which media you will enjoy: PER3152B plays almost everything.
Prestigio eBook Readers represent some of the latest product series while the most innovative one. Your whole library in your pocket – available for your entertainment or information wherever you are and 24/7. Relax and read your latest book and listen to your favorite music the same time. Advanced energy management provides extra-long battery lifetime. On the beach or in bed, a light-weight and handy eBook Reader by Prestigio is the means of reading in the 21st century.
COMPATIBLE MEDIA FORMATSeBook Formats INCLUDED | TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONDimensions 155 x 97 x 11.5mm Contains Reader® Mobile technology by Adobe Systems Incorporated |